Regents' Policies
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Maintenance of the Regents' Policy Manual
- Section 1: The Board of Regents
- Table of Contents
- 1.1: Responsibilities of the Board of Regents
- 1.2: Structure of the Board of Regents
- 1.3: Public Notice of Regents' Meetings
- 1.4: Appointment of the President of the University
- 1.5: Appeals to the Board of Regents
- 1.6: Special Recognition and Awards
- 1.7: Advisors to the Board of Regents
- 1.8: Regent Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest
- 1.9: Board of Regents' Office
- Section 2: Policies of General Applicability
- Table of Contents
- 2.1: Free Expression and Advocacy
- 2.2: Speakers from Off Campus
- Section 2.3: Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Retaliation
- 2.4: Diversity and Campus Climate (replaced by 2.3)
- 2.5: Sexual Harassment (replaced by 2.3)
- 2.6: Drug-Free Environment
- 2.7: Use of the University's Name and Symbols
- 2.8: Visitors to the University
- 2.9: University Archives and Records
- 2.10: Architectural Style of Campus Buildings and Campus Plan
- 2.10.1: Historic Preservation
- 2.11: Naming University Facilities, Spaces, Endowments, and Programs
- 2.11.1: Building Plaques
- 2.12: Advertising, Sales, and Solicitations on Campus
- 2.13: Health Sciences Center and Services (replaced by 3.4)
- 2.14: Branch Colleges and Off Campus Education Centers
- 2.15: UNM Rainforest Innovations
- 2.16: Legal Services for the University
- 2.17: Public Access to University Records
- 2.18: Guiding Principles
- Section 3: The President and Administrative Matters
- Table of Contents
- 3.1: Responsibilities of the President
- 3.2: Authority in an Emergency
- 3.3: Appointment and Termination of Key Administrators
- 3.4: Health Sciences Center and Services
- 3.5: UNM Health Sciences Center Committee
- 3.6: UNM Hospital Board of Trustees
- 3.7: Health Sciences Center Institutional Compliance Program
- 3.8: Institutional HIPAA Compliance Program
- 3.9: Benefits of the University President
- Section 4: The Students
- Section 5: The Faculty and Administrative Matters
- Table of Contents
- 5.1: The Faculty's Role in the University's Academic Mission
- 5.2: Academic Freedom and Tenure; Appointments and Promotions
- 5.3: Employment of UNM Graduates
- 5.4: Leaves of Absence
- 5.5: Outside Employment
- 5.6: Extra Compensation Paid by the University
- 5.7: Confidentiality of Faculty Records
- 5.8: Intellectual Property
- 5.9: Sponsored Research
- 5.10: Conflicts of Interest in Research
- 5.11: Classified Research
- 5.12: Overseas Research
- 5.13: Research Fraud
- 5.14: Human Beings as Subjects in Research
- 5.15: Use of Animals in Education and Research
- 5.16: Post-Tenure Review
- 5.17: Conflict of Interest Waiver Policy for Technology Transfer
- 5.18: Endowed Faculty Chairs
- Section 6: Employment Matters
- Table of Contents
- 6.1: Performance Management
- 6.2: Hiring Promotion and Transfer
- 6.3: Privileges and Benefits
- 6.4: Employee Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy
- 6.5: Political Activity by Employees
- 6.6: Labor Management Relations
- 6.7: Disclosure of Information About Candidates for Employment
- 6.8: Disclosure of Information About Employees
- 6.9: Employment Contracts
- 6.10: Dispute Resolution and Employee Grievances
- 6.11: Dependent Educational Benefits
- 6.12: University of New Mexico Staff Council
- Section 7: Business and Financial Matters
- Table of Contents
- 7.1: Accounting and Reporting of Funds to the Governor
- 7.2: Internal Auditing and Compliance
- 7.3: Audit and Compliance Committee
- 7.4: Purchasing
- 7.5: Small Business Program
- 7.6: University Enterprise Business Activities
- 7.7: Travel and Per Diem
- 7.8: Signature Authority for Contracts
- 7.9: Property Management
- 7.10: Borrowing and Bonding Authority
- 7.11: Selection of Architects for UNM Projects
- 7.12: Approval of Construction Projects
- 7.12.1: Selection of Contractors for UNM Construction Projects
- 7.13: Receipt and Investment of Gifts to the University
- 7.14: Risk Management and Insurance
- 7.15: Official Social Functions
- 7.16: Financial Exigency
- 7.17: University-Affiliated Organizations
- 7.18: Joint Powers Agreements
- 7.19: Regents' Endowment Fund
- 7.20: Budgets and Fund Balances
- 7.21: Investment of Operational Funds and Bond Proceeds
- Section 8: Campus Services and Facilities
Policy Office Site Search
UNM Policy Office
MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Physical Location:
Scholes Hall
114 A and B
Work Phone: (505) 277-2069