Regents' Policies


UNM_Policy_Office-L communicates important policy announcements (such as policy approvals, revisions, or campus review-and-comment periods).

UNM Policy Office

MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
Scholes Hall
114 A and B

Phone: (505) 277-2069

Regents' Policy Manual - Section 4.3: Student Grievances

Adopted Date: 09-12-1996
Amended: 06-12-2012


This policy applies to all students at the University.


Disputes arise in every community and the University community is no exception. Disputes may arise, for example, in regard to academic matters, disciplinary matters, academic records, discrimination, academic dishonesty, or sexual harassment. The University shall provide procedures for the peaceful and fair resolution of disputes that may arise between students and members of the faculty or staff of the University. The President may, if deemed desirable, establish different procedures for different types of grievances or for different parts of the University. All grievance procedures shall respect the due process and other constitutional rights of the participants. These procedures shall provide for the possibility of appeal to the Board of Regents at the discretion of the Board. 


"Student Grievance Procedure" and "Graduate Student Grievance Procedure," UNM Pathfinder.