University Administrative Policies


UNM_Policy_Office-L communicates important policy announcements (such as policy approvals, revisions, or campus review-and-comment periods).

UNM Policy Office

MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
Scholes Hall
114 A and B

Phone: (505) 277-2069

Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual - Policy 3730: Solicitation

Date Originally Issued: 07-30-1982
Revised: 10-26-1994, 02-01-2007

Process Owner: Vice President for Human Resources

1. General

Solicitation of University employees for contributions or the purchase of commodities, services, tickets, etc. may not be conducted in the University work site, except when it is conducted by a University organization or on behalf of an organization recognized or approved by the University; such as United Way, U.S. Savings Bonds, or tax deferred annuities. See UAP 3640 ("Supplemental Retirement Savings Plans") for specific limitations on solicitation.

Solicitation for Union membership and collection of union dues from employees is allowed during the employee's non-work hours and only in areas other than the employee's work station or rest facilities. For purposes of this policy, solicitation includes, but is not limited to, electioneering of any kind.

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