Regents' Policies


UNM_Policy_Office-L communicates important policy announcements (such as policy approvals, revisions, or campus review-and-comment periods).

UNM Policy Office

MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
Scholes Hall
114 A and B

Phone: (505) 277-2069

Regents' Policy Manual - Section 5.5: Outside Employment

Adopted Date: 09-12-1996
Amended: 12-09-2020
Amended: 05-16-2024


This policy applies to full-time faculty members of the University.


Full-time members of the University faculty are encouraged to engage in outside professional activities such as writing, consulting, lecturing, or activities of similar nature which will enhance their professional growth or reputation, subject to the following restrictions:

-- Since the faculty member's primary responsibility is to the University, all outside employment is considered secondary. The time spent in outside employment may not exceed the equivalent of one work day per week during the contract period.

-- Outside professional activities will not significantly conflict with classes, office hours, or other assigned duties and commitments.

-- Except in cases specifically approved in writing by the President authorizing official University involvement, the faculty member in undertaking such employment shall act as an individual and not as an agent of the University and shall not use the name of the University or official University stationery in connection with such work.

-- Great care should be taken to avoid a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest situation in carrying out any type of consultant or research activity.

-- When exceptions to this policy are necessary in the interest of the University, they must have the advance written approval of the applicable office of Academic Affairs.

-- Deans are to report to the applicable Office of Academic Affairs at the end of each semester and summer session summaries of the number of days spent by each faculty member on outside employment.


The full policy, previously adopted by the faculty and approved by the Regents, is printed in the Faculty Handbook.

The Provost has interpreted the "one work day per week" language to mean 39 days for the contract period (9 months). The 39 days can be arranged in various ways (e.g., one day a week, all at one time); Saturdays and Sundays are counted toward the 39 days.


Faculty Handbook C13 "Outside Employment"