MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Physical Location:
Scholes Hall
114 A and B
(505) 277-2069
MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Physical Location:
Scholes Hall
114 A and B
(505) 277-2069
July 11, 2017
On July 8, 2017, Interim President Abdallah approved minor revisions to seven policies in the University Administrative Policy (UAP) Manual. In that the revisions were minor, they were processed outside of the formal policy review process. The seven policies and the minor revisions to them are listed below.
UAP 2010 (“Contracts Signature Authority and Review”)
In Section 4.11, the former title of “Vice President for Athletics” was updated to name the current title of “Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.”
Section 1 was revised to remove mention of two professional organizations, of which the University is no longer a member due to budget constraints. Section 3 was revised to reflect current practices of the Office of Sustainability.
UAP 2440 (“Internal Service Centers”)
The policy was revised to reference the uniform guidance issued by the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which replaced OMB Circular A-21, and to make other minor updates. On July 1, 2015, seven other policies were revised to reference the uniform guidance, but this particular policy was inadvertently left out at that time.
UAP 3240 (“Contract Employees”)
Section 2 was revised at the request of Human Resources to specify that multi-year contracts greater than 1.5 years are subject to prior approval by the University President.
Section 12.1.1 was revised to discontinue the sick leave sell-back option each December for employees hired after July 31, 2017.
UAP 3500 (“Wage and Salary Administration”)
Section 4 was revised to separate “acting or interim appointments” and “in-range salary adjustments” into different sections, and include a new option of in-range salary adjustments for employees assuming additional duties when a position is eliminated.
Section 2 was revised to state that service awards must be claimed within one year of the anniversary date, but exceptions may be approved by the Vice President for Human Resources.
Four University Administrative Policies Available for Review and Comment
March 28, 2025
Board of Regents and University President Approve Policy Revisions
March 14, 2025
Three University Administrative Policies Available for All-Campus Review and Comment
November 20, 2024
Board of Regents Approves Regents' Policy Manual Revision
October 18, 2024